Hi Tia, and thank you for agreeing to take part in Leach’s second Meet the Team Q&A! We know what an honour it must be…

Let’s begin. What is your role at Leach’s?

I am a Key Sales Account Manager at Leach’s. My role is to support and maintain great relationships with our valued existing customers, and to search for potential prospects we feel we could help within the scaffolding industry.

And what do you love about your job?

Now that is quite tricky as there are so many different aspects of my job I love.
One thing that stands out is I really enjoy making my customers happy... 100%! Whether they may need a quick quotation, a delivery next day, or just a friendly voice to talk to, I will always be there to promptly assist.

Great answer. So, what does an average working day look like for you?

I start my working day at 8:30am and finish at 5pm. Throughout the day I respond to our valued customers via email and telephone, assisting them with any queries they may have. I also make proactive calls to some of our existing customers during the day, as I feel it is important to keep in touch, especially at the present time, so that they know I am here to help!

Have you taken up any new hobbies during lockdown?

That’s an easy one… I’ve definitely taken up the hobby of “how much chocolate can I eat in one day?”. Does that qualify as a hobby?

Other than that, I’ve really enjoyed taking my dogs out for walks in the countryside… it’s been a great opportunity to get some more fresh air.

What’s your fuel… tea or coffee?

I don’t mind a brew, but I would definitely prefer a coffee! I always add a splash of caramel syrup in mine just to sweeten things up!

Agreed, it has to be coffee. Now, tell us a random fact about Tia…

I have 4 dogs…

…and 6 goats.

Are the goats allowed in the house!?


Moving on… What did you want to be growing up?

I’m not sure I want to embarrass myself on here… but what the heck.

I used to want to be a professional singer when I was a young girl so I’d put on little concerts for my parents & family at home. The fact is. I REALLY CAN’T SING!

Yes we er, we did notice. To round things off, what’s been the highlight of your time at Leach’s thus far?

Well, I’ve been a member of the Leach’s team for 4 years now so I’ve had many highlights; but the one that stands out was being promoted to the role of Key Sales Account Manager.

And a brilliant one you are! Thanks Tia!

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