Which #SuperScaff Are You?

You are the unsung heroes of construction! This month we want to honour you and spread the word about the incredible work Scaffolder's do around the world!

Watch our video and let us know which #SuperScaff you are (or who the guys in your gang are!).

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No Shortcuts to Safety when Cutting & Spraying: Let’s Take PPE a Bit More Seriously

No Shortcuts to Safety when Cutting & Spraying: Let’s Take PPE a Bit More Seriously

It was recorded that between 2015 and 2016, there were 144 workplace fatalities and a staggering 621,000 non-fatal injuries across all industries that related to no or mis-worn PPE. This leaves us with the devastating reality that many of those lives that were lost could have been prevented with the right protection. 

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) figures illustrate that there are around 9,000 PPE-related incidents each year.

With evidence this clear that shows just how many lives are impacted by the lack of PPE, it begs the question, why are people still not wearing it? What’s stopping workers from using the very equipment designed to keep them safe?

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Supplies You Need: Scaffolding Paint that Protects, Prevents and Promotes

Supplies You Need: Scaffolding Paint that Protects, Prevents and Promotes

As someone once said, “The number one rule of thieves is that nothing is too small to steal.” From manhole covers to the brain of Albert Einstein, if someone really wants it, they’ll chance their luck and take it, with no thought to the outcomes.

It is estimated that theft and vandalism to construction sites cost over [1]£1 million every day in the U.K.  Construction and scaffolding sites usually stir a big appetite for potential thieves due to the rich pickings of expensive equipment, vehicles, materials, tools, and machinery.

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The Complete Guide to Scaffold & Construction Hoarding: Everything You Need to Know

The Complete Guide to Scaffold & Construction Hoarding: Everything You Need to Know

With over 6,200 scaffolding businesses currently trading in the U.K., it’s easy to see why competition is so high within the industry. Firms are all trying to showcase their brands, all while trying to meet client demands to become more eco-friendly but still needing high-quality equipment that maintains enhanced safety standards. 

Sound familiar? If only there was something that could do everything…

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