If you need to quickly secure scaffolding, tents, marquees or other temporary buildings to the ground, theBIGBEN® Heavy-Duty Hurricane Ground Anchor is just what you need.
10x 650mm BIGBEN Hurricane Ground Anchors
TheBIGBEN Hurricane Anchor can be installed in seconds with the simple manual driving tool, delivering a reliable and certified anchorage point. It can then be removed in seconds too, and reused again and again. It’s a cost-effective, environmentally friendly hurricane ground anchor solution.
For exact holding power, it is strongly recommended that hurricane anchors are proof tested following an installation to determine the anchor capacity. This helps ensure holding power and enables the correct number of anchors to be specified.
Buy yourBIGBEN Heavy-Duty Hurricane Ground Anchor from Leach’s today. Contact us for further information via+44 (0) 1432 346 800.